What features are specific to Gradescope, Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes?
Gradescope, Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes are commonly used for quizzes and exams in UVACanvas. This article will highlight settings and options that differentiate these tools, including recommendations for which tool(s) to use.
The following features are covered; you can select a link below to skip to that topic.
Embedded Media (Audio/Video)
While media from external tools (e.g., Media Gallery, Panopto, Studio, or H5P) can be embedded in either Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes, we strongly recommend using Classic Quizzes with embedded media.
If you would like to reuse an assessment with embedded media in additional or future course sites, you should create it in Classic Quizzes.
Warning: If a New Quizzes assessment with embedded media is imported to another course site, students in the new course may not be able to access the embedded content. If you need to use New Quizzes, we strongly recommend re-embedding media in the new course's version of the quiz. Students will be able to access re-embedded files.
Available Question Types
Each assessment tool has a unique selection of question types. You can review the types of questions available in each tool in the sections below.
Gradescope Online Assignments allows you to create questions with multiple types of answer input fields.
A single question could include:
- One answer field.
- More than one answer field of the same type. For example, a question could have two short answer fields, making it similar to a fill in the blank question with multiple blanks.
- Answer fields of different types. For example, a free response field and a file upload field could be included in the same question.
The answer field options are listed in the table below. For more details, see Gradescope Answer input fields (opens new window).
Note: If multiple answer fields are included in the same question, and at least one of them is a file upload or free response field, all student responses to the question must be graded manually.
For automatically-graded question types (multiple choice, short answer, or select all type questions), partial credit cannot be awarded automatically. If you would like to award credit for partially-correct answers, you can do so by manually assigning points while grading.
Gradescope Answer Input Field | Equivalent Question Type in Other LMS |
File Upload (opens new window) |
Free Response (opens new window) |
Multiple Choice (opens new window) Note: Gradescope's Multiple Choice questions do not have an option to automatically award partial credit for incorrect answers. |
Select All (opens new window) Note: Gradescope's Select All questions do not have an option to automatically award partial credit. |
Short Answer (opens new window) Note: Gradescope's Short Answer questions only allow for one correct answer to be defined per blank (short answer field). If the answer is in text, a student response must match it exactly for credit in automatic grading. Numerical correct answers can be defined as a specific value, any mathematical equivalent of the correct answer, or any value within a specified range of numbers. |
Classic Quizzes supports the question types listed in the table below.
Canvas Classic Quizzes Question Type | Equivalent Question Type in Other LMS |
Essay (opens new window) Note: You can use Essay type questions to have students record and/or embed media such as image, audio, and video files. We strongly recommend using either Kaltura (My Media/Media Gallery) or Studio for audio or video submissions. |
File Upload (opens new window) |
Fill-in-the-Blank (opens new window) |
Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks (opens new window) |
Formula - the Canvas help articles describe two types of Formula questions: simple formula (opens new window) and single variable (opens new window) |
Matching (opens new window) Note: Matching questions in Canvas' Classic Quizzes can can only include plain text in the matching pairs. Text formatting and embedded images or other media cannot be used in individual matching items. |
Multiple Choice (opens new window) Note: Multiple Choice questions in Canvas' Classic Quizzes do not have an option to award partial credit for incorrect answers. |
Multiple Answers (opens new window) |
Multiple Dropdowns (opens new window) |
Numerical Answer (opens new window) |
New Quizzes supports the question types listed in the table below.
Canvas New Quizzes Question Type | Equivalent Question Type in Other LMS |
Categorization (opens new window) |
Essay (opens new window) Note: You can use Essay type questions to have students record and/or embed media such as image, audio, and video files. We strongly recommend using either Kaltura (My Media/Media Gallery) or Studio for audio or video submissions. |
Fill in the Blank (opens new window) |
File Upload (opens new window) |
Formula (opens new window) |
Hot Spot (opens new window) Note: Some students with disabilities may need alternative assessment accommodations if Hot Spot questions are used. |
Matching (opens new window) Note: Matching questions in Canvas' New Quizzes can can only include plain text in the matching pairs. Text formatting and embedded images or other media cannot be used in individual matching items. |
Multiple Answer (opens new window) |
Multiple Choice (opens new window) |
Numeric (opens new window) |
Ordering (opens new window) |
Missing a question type?
If you used question types in your previous Learning Management System (LMS) that are not available in any of these tools, select the corresponding article below for recommendations to accomplish similar assessment goals in UVACanvas.
Question Grouping and Assessment Layout
You may wish to group specific questions together if you:
- Have several questions associated with a reading passage, case study, graph, or other embedded media.
- Would like students to choose which questions to answer out of a larger set of essay questions.
There are options for grouping questions in Gradescope (subquestions) and Canvas New Quizzes (stimulus).
Currently, none of the assessment tools in UVACanvas include a feature to present groups of questions on separate pages. Gradescope will always display all questions on one page. Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes allow you to choose to display one question at a time or all questions on one page.
Subquestions in Gradescope

Gradescope includes a feature to add subquestions (opens new window) underneath a description, which could include text and images. This groups the subquestions together with the description. Pictured above is an example of a question in Gradescope, Q1, with two subquestions, Q1.1 and Q1.2.
Stimulus in New Quizzes

New Quizzes offers a Stimulus feature (opens new window), which allows instructors to associate multiple questions with a passage of text, images, or other files. Questions can be displayed under the stimulus content, as shown in the screenshot above, or to the left or right of the stimulus content.
Randomization Options
Gradescope, Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes all include features for shuffling questions and answer options. Review the differences in the tools below.
Gradescope Randomization
Randomization options: Gradescope allows instructors to shuffle questions and multiple choice answers (opens new window), while keeping subquestions in groups in their original order. Answer choice randomization cannot be enabled by question.
Grading behavior: While grading, questions and answers display to instructors in a fixed order. However, they can view an individual student's question and answer order by selecting the student's name on the Manage Submissions or Review Grades page.
Classic Quizzes Randomization
Randomization options: Classic Quizzes includes a feature to create question groups to randomize quiz questions (opens new window). All questions in a question group must have the same point value. Instructors can also choose to shuffle answer options for all questions in an assessment (opens new window). Answer choice randomization cannot be enabled by question.
Grading behavior: In SpeedGrader, each student's submission page shows questions and answers in the order in which they appeared for the student.
New Quizzes Randomization
Randomization options: New Quizzes includes options to shuffle all questions in an assessment (opens new window) where questions are added one-by-one or to randomly draw questions from an item bank (opens new window). The tool also includes features to shuffle answer options within specific question (opens new window) or shuffle all answers in an assessment (opens new window).
Multiple choice questions allow you to lock answer options in place when randomization is enabled. Unlocked answers will be randomized. For example, you could include "None of the Above" as an answer option and lock its position under randomized answers.
Grading behavior: In SpeedGrader, each student's submission page shows questions and answers in the order in which they appeared for the student.
Student Accommodations for Time Limits and Availability Dates (e.g., SDAC)
Gradescope, Assignments, New Quizzes, and Classic Quizzes all include features to grant availability accommodations to students. The tools have different configuration instructions that may make it more time consuming to enable accommodations in large courses with many assessments.
- Gradescope includes options to extend release dates, due dates, and time limits (opens new window). Tip: Gradescope automatically adjusts its availability dates to accommodate time limit extensions as needed. For additional details on how Gradescope treats time limit extensions, see How do time limit extensions affect due dates, late due dates, and time limits? (opens new window).
- All Canvas assignments and quizzes allow instructors to set custom availability dates and time limits for specific students. For more information, see How do I give specific students different time or date settings on a quiz or assignment? (opens new window).
Note: If you change the time limits for specific students in any of these tools, you will need to make sure to adjust the Canvas assignment availability dates accordingly (opens new window).
Feedback Settings
There are various options to display feedback to students in each assessment tool. Depending on what type of content you wish to present to students and when, this may influence your choice of assessment tool.
Gradescope gives instructors the choice of sharing the correct answers with or without explanations. Instructors can also choose if they want to display this information to students after the due date or as soon as students answer a question correctly. For more information, see Adding explanations (opens new window).
Classic Quizzes displays correct answers with feedback by default after students complete the assessment. Instructors can choose the time range to display this information or to hide it from students. For more information, see Set Quiz Options (opens new window). Note: Any updates to feedback after students submit their work will not be visible to students. The feedback that was present when students submitted is what will be displayed to them.
- New Quizzes displays all correct answers, feedback, points awarded, and points possible to students by default after they submit their assessment. Instructors can choose to hide this information or choose to display particular types (e.g., only display questions with student responses). For more information, see How do I restrict students from viewing quiz results in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
Available Submission Data for Export
Basic quiz analytics are available to export from Gradescope, Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes. For information on New Quizzes, see How do I view reports for a quiz in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
For more detailed analytics, including the option to review student responses to questions in a downloaded spreadsheet file, you will need to use Gradescope or Classic Quizzes. For details, see:
- Gradescope's Online Assignments: Exporting Submission Data (opens new window).
- Classic Quizzes: Once I publish a quiz, what kinds of quiz statistics are available? (opens new window). The Student Analysis report includes the students' answers.