Revise Tests and Surveys questions in copied Canvas Quizzes.
Many questions can be imported from Blackboard’s Tests and Surveys to Canvas’s Classic Quizzes. However, there are question types and options that could not be imported due to a difference of features between Blackboard and Canvas. In most cases, you will find entries in the Migration Exception Log to help you identify quiz questions you may need to edit as a result of these system differences.
Open the link for an affected question type or option below to find a description of potential issues and recommendations for moving forward.
Tip: You can use the information in this article as you work through Step 3: Revise in the Checklist for Reusing Content from Blackboard. Go back to the checklist for additional steps.
WARNING: We strongly recommend reviewing all assessment questions and settings to see if you need to make adjustments. A comprehensive review of all assessment settings should be completed prior to publishing.
Go to Quizzes.

Select Quizzes from the Course Navigation Menu.
Get started with Canvas Quizzes.

The Canvas Quizzes tool includes options to create quizzes as either Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes. Assessments copied from Blackboard are Classic Quizzes. A white rocketship icon displays to the left of each quiz title, as shown in the screenshot above.
If the Hidden from students setting was enabled in the original Blackboard assessment, the quiz is unpublished in Canvas.
Some of the recommendations for editing questions in the sections below mention using features of New Quizzes. To do this, migrate the quizzes that include those questions by following the steps in How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes? (opens new window).
Tip: For links to documentation describing the differences between Classic and New Quizzes, see the New Quizzes Transition Toolkit (opens new window).
Note: You should continue to use Classic Quizzes to include audio or video content in a test or quiz. New Quizzes is still under development and does not yet have media tools integrated into it.
Select a quiz.

Select the name of the quiz to review.
Select Edit.

Select the Edit button near the upper-right corner of the page.
Select Questions.

Select the Questions link above the field with the quiz's name.
While revising, note the following.
Show Question Details

If your assessment includes fewer than 25 questions, you can select the Show Question Details checkbox near the top of the page for a quick overview of your question text, answers, and correct or incorrect answer feedback comments.
Quiz question labels

If a question in the Blackboard assessment included a Question Title, this title will be the label for the migrated Canvas question.
These labels are only for instructors and will not be visible to students taking a quiz.
Question and answer ordering
If you had randomization enabled in the source assessment for either question ordering or for answers to multiple choice questions, they may have been randomly reordered during import.
You can reorder questions by following the steps in How do I reorder questions or question groups in a quiz? (opens new window)
Because of some technical differences, some of the settings may not be as you expected them. The following features in Blackboard have no equivalent in Canvas. For recommendations, continue reading the sections below.
- Specify partial credit options - multiple choice, multiple answer,
- Specify negative points options
- Provide option to assign questions as
- Specify the horizontal or vertical display of answers
- Specify numbering options for answers
- Instructor notes
- SafeAssign
Unsupported settings will be logged in the Migration Exception Log.
For additional information, refer to the Canvas guide for What Options can I set in a Quiz? (opens new window) as well as the reference article Revise Tests and Surveys Settings in copied Canvas Quizzes.
All at Once, One at a Time and Backtracking

- Show one question at a time corresponds to the One at a Time setting in Blackboard if checked
- Lock questions after answering should be checked if Prohibit Backtracking was selected in Blackboard
Canvas Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes do not have a feature similar to Blackboard's Question Metadata feature. These questions will be identified in the Migration Exception Log as in the following example:
Description: Question Setting [Question metadata: add categories, topics, level of difficulty, keywords and instructor notes to questions.] are not supported in Canvas and did not migrate.
Source URL: [Blackboard source page that caused the error]
Target URL: [Canvas URL for the quiz in question]"
An Opinion Scale or Likert type question in Blackboard's Tests and Surveys is a question with set choices such as a yes or no response or a range such as strongly disagree to strongly agree.
Canvas's Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes do not include a similar question type. These questions should be reviewed and converted to Multiple Choice questions or leverage Qualitrics if more functionality is needed (see Recommendation below).
Recommendation to create Opinion Scale or Likert Questions: Set up a survey in Qualtrics.
Set up a survey in Qualtrics that includes a Multiple Choice Question (opens new window).
Resources for Qualtrics
General Information:
- For more information about using your UVA Qualtrics account, see UVA Qualtrics Home (opens new window).
- Overview of Qualtrics Surveys (opens new window).
Survey settings (UVA-only or anonymous):
- To require students to sign in with NetBadge to take the survey, associating their responses with their UVA computing IDs and names, see the How do I set up a NetBadge-authenticated survey? section of UVA Qualtrics FAQs (opens new window).
- To collect anonymous responses, see Anonymous Links (opens new window).
Getting and providing a link to the survey to students:
- For steps to activate and copy the link to a survey, see the Distributions Basic Overview (opens new window).
- To provide the link to students in your Canvas course, see How do I create hyperlinks to external URLs in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window) or How do I add an external URL as a module item? (opens new window).
In your quiz, add a question that students must answer to agree to the honor pledge. For example, you could use a Multiple Choice or True/False question to have students select an answer, or an Essay Question to have them type out the honor pledge. For steps, see one of the following articles:
- Classic Quizzes:
- New Quizzes:
Note: Including an Essay Question in a quiz will require you to manually enter a grade for it before releasing feedback to students.
If you had randomization enabled in the source assessment for either question ordering or for answers to multiple choice questions, they may have been randomly reordered during import.
There are question types and options that could not be imported due to a difference of features between Blackboard and Canvas.
To ensure that your content would be available in Canvas, these questions were converted to the closest matching Classic Quizzes question type.
The following questions have been modified from their original form:
- Hot Spot
- Quiz Bowl
These questions will be identified in the Migration Exception Log.
Recommendation for Hot Spot questions: Use New Quizzes.
Canvas New Quizzes supports the use of Hot Spot questions. Please note that this question type is not accessible to users requiring keyboard-only access or screen readers. For more information, review How do I create a Hot Spot Question in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
Recommendation for Quiz Bowl questions: Work with Support for options.
If you used Quiz Bowl questions in Blackboard and would like assistance exploring alternative options, please contact the Learning Technology Services (LTS) Team.
Canvas does not have a separate Survey tool as did Blackboard. All surveys in Blackboard were migrated as quizzes with the Quiz Type of graded or ungraded. If the survey was ungraded in Blackboard, there will be no entry for it in the Canvas Assignments tool.
Recommendation: Review and edit questions for accuracy.
Review the migrated questions to ensure they are presented appropriately. If you used this functionality in Blackboard and would like to explore additional options, please contact the Learning Technology Services (LTS) Team to request assistance.
Ensure that all settings for your individual questions are correct. For more information on question settings, please refer to the article Revise Tests and Surveys Settings in copied Canvas Quizzes for Quiz question settings.
Quizzes from Blackboard's Quizzes tool will appear in Canvas Quizzes either Published or Unpublished, based on the Availability setting for that content in Blackboard. If it is set to "Availability: Item is hidden from Students" then the quiz will be Unpublished. Review all of your assignments to ensure they are in the desired status so students do not see an assignment before planned.
Return to the checklist.
Go back to the Checklist for Reusing Content from Blackboard to continue evaluating your content.