Review the Migration Exception Log.
Most course content can be imported from Blackboard to UVACanvas. However, certain items may have been modified or excluded during the import process due to technical differences between the two systems.
The Migration Exception Log is a document that can help you identify items which you may need to update before using them in your course. To access the Migration Exception Log, follow the steps below.
Tip: You can use the information in this article as you work through Step 1: Review in the Checklist for Reusing Content from Blackboard. Go back to the checklist for additional steps.
Go to Pages.

Select Pages from the Course Navigation Menu.
Select View All Pages.

Select the 000-Migration Exception Log page.

Return to the Checklist.
Go back to the Checklist for Reusing Content from Blackboard to continue evaluating your content with the aide of the Migration Exception Log.