Essential Tips for Taking Online Tests in UVACanvas
Taking tests can be stressful and taking online tests can be especially so, particularly when technical issues arise. The following guidelines will help you avoid the most common technical difficulties while taking online tests in UVACanvas and ensure that your work is submitted successfully.
Use a supported browser and close unneeded applications.

Using an unsupported browser or enabling browser add-ons can introduce unexpected behaviors, including lost test answers!
- Use a supported browser. Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge on laptop or desktop computers are the ONLY supported browsers for test-taking in UVACanvas. Browsers on mobile devices (phones and tablets) are NOT supported.
- Close unneeded applications and processes running on your computer to reduce network interference.
- Don't use Opera or another unsupported browser, such as a browser on a mobile device (phone or tablet), while taking a high-stakes test or exam! Problems with lost data have been reported by students who used unsupported browsers while taking online tests in UVACanvas.
- Don't use mobile devices to avoid submission problems.
Disable ad blockers and browser extensions.

Temporarily disable browser add-ons, extensions, and plugins, especially ad blockers, before beginning an online test. Instructions to disable browser extensions can be found on the following web pages:
IMPORTANT: Ad blockers may interfere with loading content in tests! Turn them off before your test to avoid issues!
Make sure JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser.

JavaScript is required for UVACanvas to function correctly. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, you are likely to encounter multiple issues with taking and submitting a test.
Additionally, if your instructor includes media such as audio or video files in your test, you will need to have cookies enabled in the browser for the media to display.
- Before starting a test, make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser. Here's a website where you can check whether JavaScript is working, and find instructions to enable it if not: Check or enable JavaScript (opens new window).
- Follow the steps in How do I enable cookies in my browser? to enable cookies in your browser.
Verify your internet connectivity.

Use the most reliable Internet connection available when you are taking an online test.
- Ensure that your computer and internet connection are configured correctly. See Connect to UVA's Encrypted eduroam WiFi (opens new window) for more information. You can access the UVA Speed Test (opens new window) and select the Go button to check the quality of your connection to UVA networks.
- Use UVA Anywhere (opens new window) for off-grounds connections before starting to take a test. This will ensure your NetBadge session (opens new window) doesn't expire during a test.
- Turn off cell phones and other network devices such as video game consoles, internet-capable TVs, etc., or set them to Airplane mode to reduce network congestion and interference. We also recommend asking others in your household not to use devices that will consume internet bandwidth while you are taking a test. Note: Some devices, such as video game consoles, may remain connected to the internet in sleep mode and continue to use internet bandwidth even when you don't realize it!
Avoid having multiple devices connected to the internet during a test.
What if I lose my network connection while taking a test?
If you lose network access while taking a test and there is still time left to complete it, return to the course site and go back into the test. You should be able to pick up where you left off.
Important: Unsaved answers may be lost if your network connection is dropped.
Avoid Using Mobile Devices.

- Use a laptop or desktop computer instead of a mobile device (phone OR tablet) to take an online test or quiz.
- Ensure that all mobile devices are either shut off or in Airplane mode.
Don't use a mobile device to take an online test.
Don't lose your answers - Don't open multiple browser windows or tabs!

Accessing Quizzes in multiple browser windows or tabs, or being logged into UVACanvas on more than one device (computer or mobile device) at once, can result in issues when saving answers or submitting a quiz!
- Log out of UVACanvas on ALL devices (computers and mobile devices) completely prior to taking an online test. On a laptop or desktop computer, open only ONE browser window or tab and log into UVACanvas to access the test.
- If you need to leave your test to access some other content in the site, staying in the same browser window, select a link in UVACanvas to save your answers and access the other content. Return to your test as soon as you're done.
- Submit OR exit one test or quiz BEFORE starting another one!
Don't open more than one browser window or tab to Quizzes or to your online test while taking a test in UVACanvas.
Taking an open resource test?
REMEMBER: You CANNOT have multiple windows open to Quizzes!
Trying to review feedback from a previous assessment while taking a test can cause errors!
Save past Feedback as a PDF (See image below for screen shots of steps.)
- Select the assessment from Assignments, Modules, or Quizzes.
- Select the Attempt link to view feedback.
- Using your internet browser's Print function, select Print.
- Choose to print/save the page as a PDF.
- On your local computer, open the PDF, DO NOT open a new window to Quizzes.

Use the Built-in Navigation.

You can avoid losing your work or encountering errors by following these important navigation guidelines.
- Use the built-in navigation in Quizzes to move between screens.
- Use the question links in the Questions sidebar to jump to a question.
- Single-click links and buttons and be patient while a new screen loads.
- Don't use the browser's Back and Forward buttons to navigate an online test. Using the browser's navigation can produce unexpected results, including loss of data!
- Don't double-click buttons and links! Double-clicking will actually slow down screen loads and could produce errors.
- Don't navigate away from a test without saving or submitting your content! A timer on a timed test will NOT pause if you exit the test, so be sure to return to your test as soon as possible if it is timed!
Verify Your Submission Confirmation Screen.

Upon selecting Submit Quiz, wait for the submission confirmation screen to appear to ensure that your submission was successful.
- Select the Submit Quiz (Classic Quizzes) or Submit (New Quizzes) button.
- In New Quizzes, select the second Submit button in the Confirm Submission dialog box.
- Wait for the submission confirmation screen to appear before closing your browser or navigating away from the test.
- Don't navigate away from Quizzes or close your browser before the confirmation screen appears.
What if I have a problem during my test?
Get Help.

As soon as you encounter an error in UVACanvas, open Help in the left navigation to contact Canvas Support via phone or chat.