Revise Tests & Quizzes assessment settings.
Some quiz settings from UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes can be imported to Canvas’s Classic Quizzes. Most settings need to be edited before publishing a quiz. There are also several feedback settings and layout preferences that cannot be used in Canvas due to a difference of features between UVACollab and Canvas.
The settings described on this page are categorized according to how they appear in UVACollab's Tests & Quizzes. Open the link below for one of the categories of settings to find a list of settings that either require editing or cannot be used in Canvas Quizzes. The section for each setting describes potential issues and recommendations for moving forward.
Tip: You can use the information in this article as you work through Step 3: Revise in the Checklist for Reusing Content from UVACollab. Go back to the checklist for additional steps.
WARNING: We strongly recommend reviewing all assessment questions and settings to see if you need to make adjustments. A comprehensive review of all assessment settings should be completed prior to publishing.
Get started with Canvas Quizzes.

The Canvas Quizzes tool includes options to create quizzes as either Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes. Assessments copied from UVACollab are Classic Quizzes. A white rocketship icon displays to the left of each quiz title, as shown in the screenshot above.
Some of the recommendations for editing settings in the sections below mention using features of New Quizzes. To do this, migrate the quizzes that include those settings by following the steps in How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes? (opens new window).
Tip: For links to documentation describing the differences between Classic and New Quizzes, see the New Quizzes Transition Toolkit (opens new window).
Select a quiz.

Select the name of the quiz to edit.
Select Edit.

Select the Edit button near the upper right corner of the page.

If your UVACollab assessment included a Description/Intro or associated file Attachments, these will appear under Quiz Instructions. Edit the instructions if needed.
Canvas Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes do not offer options to require students to agree to the Honor Pledge before beginning an assessment.
Recommendation: Add an honor pledge question to your quiz.
In your quiz, add a question that students must answer to agree to the honor pledge. For example, you could use a Multiple Choice or True/False question to have students select an answer, or an Essay Question to have them type out the honor pledge. For steps, see one of the following articles:
- Classic Quizzes:
- New Quizzes:
Canvas Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes do not offer options to deliver completely anonymous surveys.
Copied assessments that had this setting enabled in UVACollab have been set to a Quiz Type of Ungraded Survey in Canvas. For more information, see What quiz types can I create in a course? (opens new window).
Recommendation: Set up a survey in Qualtrics.
Create a survey in Qualtrics that uses Question Types (opens new window) similar to those used in your original survey and has the Anonymous Links (opens new window) setting enabled.
Resources for Qualtrics
General Information:
- For more information about using your UVA Qualtrics account, see UVA Qualtrics Home (opens new window).
- Overview of Qualtrics Surveys (opens new window).
Getting and providing a link to the survey to students:
- For steps to activate and copy the link to a survey, see the Distributions Basic Overview (opens new window).
- To provide the link to students in your Canvas course, see How do I create hyperlinks to external URLs in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window) or How do I add an external URL as a module item? (opens new window).
Whenever you reuse an assessment from a previous course, you need to review and adjust the availability dates and times for the upcoming course. Follow the steps in How do I make a quiz available before or after the due date? (opens new window) to adjust the Due, Available from, and Until dates.
UVACollab's Tests & Quizzes has an option to Hide question point value during assessment.
In Canvas Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes, students always see the questions' point values.
Ensure students take exams from specific location
UVACollab's Tests & Quizzes includes options to facilitate proctoring for assessments in the classroom. These options to Add a password to access the assessment and Restrict access by IP address were not copied to Canvas equivalent quizzes.
You can enable these features as needed using the Require an access code (Canvas equivalent of UVACollab's Assessment Password) and Filter IP Addresses options in the quiz settings. For details, see What options can I set in a quiz? (opens new window) under Set Quiz Restrictions.
To grade quiz submissions anonymously, follow the steps in How do I hide student names in SpeedGrader? (opens new window).
All quizzes, except for Practice Quizzes and Ungraded Surveys, appear on the Canvas Grades page. For more information, see What quiz types can I create in a course? (opens new window).
To exclude a quiz's grade from the course grade calculation, see the recommendations below.
Recommendation 1: Use an assignment group with 0% weight.
You can create an assignment group in Assignments with a weight of 0% of the total grade, and add the quiz to that assignment group.
Follow the steps in How do I add an assignment group in a course? (opens new window) to set up the assignment group, then while editing the quiz's settings, categorize it into the assignment group as described in What options can I set in a quiz? (opens new window) under Choose Quiz Details.
Note: If you are not using other assignment groups as weighted categories, you will want to create a second assignment group worth 100% of the total grade where you add assignments, quizzes, and discussions to be included in the course grade calculation.
Recommendation 2: Use New Quizzes.
With New Quizzes, you can follow the steps in How do I exclude an assignment from the course's final grades? (opens new window).
In UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes, there is an option to display feedback to students as they take the quiz. This could be used for self-tests or practice assignments.
Canvas’s Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes only display feedback to students after they finish an assessment.
Recommendation: Consider alternate workflows for practice tests.
Consider other ways to conduct practice or self-tests.
In New Quizzes, you could set correct and incorrect feedback to appear to students directly after submission. Students could review the feedback and take another attempt, if desired. There is also an option to require a waiting period between attempts to make sure students take some time to review or reflect on their responses. For more information, see the Allow Multiple Attempts section of How do I manage settings for a quiz in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
When selecting an assessment’s Grading and Feedback settings in UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes, there is an option to schedule a Show Feedback Date and a Hide Feedback Date. These settings control when students will see the assessment feedback.
In Canvas’s Classic Quizzes, there is an option to schedule when correct answers will be displayed. However, any feedback entered for a question will be visible to students after they submit their work. In New Quizzes, there is an option to manually display items, questions, and feedback.
Recommendation: Restrict student view of their responses and feedback.
To ensure students do not see feedback until you are ready to release it, be sure to restrict student view of their responses and feedback.
In Classic Quizzes, uncheck the Let Students See Their Quiz Responses checkbox. For more information, see What options can I set in a quiz? (opens new window).
In New Quizzes, select the Restrict student result view toggle in the Settings tab for the quiz. For more information, see How do I restrict students from viewing quiz results in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
If feedback display dates are enabled in UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes, there is an option to display feedback only to students who score under a certain percentage.
Canvas’s Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes will display feedback to all students, not just those who score in specific ranges.
Recommendation: Send a message to students who score below a point value.
In Grades, you can message students who score below a certain point value. This would allow you to send some remediation instructions or documents for them to review. For more information, see How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook? (opens new window).
There are several differences in how types of feedback can be released to students between UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes, Canvas’s Classic Quizzes, and Canvas’s New Quizzes.
- Canvas’s Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes display both question scores and total scores at the same time. New Quizzes can display total scores by themselves, but not question scores.
- Canvas’s Classic Quizzes will only display selection-level feedback to students alongside their responses and correctness for each question.
- Grader’s comments cannot be permanently hidden from students in Canvas’s Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. Once a student’s grade is released, any assignment comments from the grader are released to the student.
For more information about selectively releasing feedback in New Quizzes, see How do I restrict students from viewing quiz results in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes includes an option to organize questions into parts, allowing you to present one part to students at a time or randomize questions by part.
Canvas’s Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes can present one question at a time or the entire assessment to students.
Recommendation: Use a Stimulus in New Quizzes to associate instructions with multiple questions.
If you use parts to share the same content or instructions with multiple questions, New Quizzes allows authors to insert a Stimulus and associate its content with questions. The content would be displayed to students with the associated questions. For more information, see How do I insert stimulus content in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
When authoring Multiple Choice questions, UVACollab’s Tests & Quizzes provides an option to randomize answers for students when they view a particular question.
Canvas’s Classic Quizzes supports answer randomization for the entire assessment, not by individual question.
Recommendation: Shuffle answer choices by question in New Quizzes.
In Canvas’s New Quizzes, you can shuffle answer choices by question. For more information, see How do I create a Multiple Choice question in New Quizzes? (opens new window).
Return to the Checklist.
Go back to the Checklist for Reusing Content from UVACollab to continue evaluating your content.