Revise Modules.
Lessons are migrated to UVACanvas as Modules. Within a module, content may appear in a page or as separate links. Some types of links will be non-functional and require editing, such as links to external tool content, for example Gradescope or VoiceThread.
The modules only display a list of links to course content. However, we strongly recommend organizing text, links, and media on pages in Modules to contextualize them. For example, you could create a page to structure weekly activities, such as a week's learning objectives, lecture video, associated readings, and assignments. This will help make the content and activities more accessible to students.
Tip: You can use the information in this article as you work through Step 3: Revise in the Checklist for Reusing Content from UVACollab. Go back to the checklist for additional steps.
Edit module content.

The course content that was included in a UVACollab Lessons page may be listed as separate items, e.g., links, pages, and text, in a Canvas module. If STUB precedes an item's title, e.g., STUB: Paper 1 (Gradescope), it is a non-functional placeholder link for an item that could not be copied to UVACanvas.
If you have multiple links in a module, we recommend moving the links to these items to pages in Modules. By adding links to these items in a page, you can provide instructions and other context to students about the content.
Below are the various types of content links that could be in a module. Select each section for steps to edit them or move them to a page.
Note: Certain interactive elements from UVACollab's Lessons pages are not supported in Canvas. These items will be noted in the Migration Exception Log. Some of them will display as text on a page, while others will appear as STUB items in Modules.

A Page, for example Week 1 highlighted in the screenshot above, is identified with a piece of paper icon. Pages contain text, embedded files such as images or video, and links that were added using the Rich-Text Editor in UVACollab.
Note: UVACollab Lessons interactive checklists and questions have been converted to text on pages. There are two ways in which you can make questions interactive again:
- Create a multiple choice question with H5P and embed it on a page. For steps to create a question, see the H5P Multiple Choice Question Tutorial (opens new window). To embed the question in a page, follow the steps in How do I select content from an external app in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window) and choose the H5P - Interactive Content app.
- Include the questions in a quiz in the Canvas Quizzes tool and add a link to the quiz on the page. For steps to create a quiz, see How do I create a quiz with individual questions? (opens new window).
Edit a page.
- Select the page title in the module.
- Select the Edit button.
Add a page.
If a page doesn't already exist in a module, follow the steps to add a page to a module in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).

A Discussion Topic, for example, Introduce Yourself in the screenshot above, is identified with an overlapping speech bubbles icon and links to a topic in the Discussions tool.
We recommend removing this link from Modules and adding a link to the discussion topic on a page in the module. This will allow you to share instructions or other important information with students before they access the discussion topic.
- Remove the link to the discussion topic from the module. For steps, see How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
- Open the page where you want to add a link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- In the Rich Content Editor, add a Course Link to the discussion topic. For steps, see How do I create hyperlinks to course or group content in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window).

An Attachment, for example, Week 1 Reading.pdf in the screenshot above, is identified with a paperclip icon and links to an item in the Files tool.
We recommend removing this link from Modules and adding a link to the file on a page in the module. This will allow you to provide context for the file, such as a description and what you want students to do with it.
- Remove the link to the file from the module. For steps, see How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
- Open the page where you want to add a link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- In the Rich Content Editor, add a Course Link to the file. For steps, see How do I embed documents from Canvas in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window).

An External Url, for example, OER Textbook in the screenshot above, is identified with a chain link icon and links to an external web page.
We recommend removing this link from Modules and adding it on a page in the module. This will allow you to provide context for the link, such as a description and why you want students to visit it.
- Remove the link from the module. For steps, see How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
- Open the page where you want to add the link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- In the Rich Content Editor, add an External Link to the file. For steps, see How do I create hyperlinks to external URLs in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window).

STUB items, for example, STUB: Paper 1 (Gradescope) in the screenshot above, are non-functional External Tool links identified by a chain link icon. The following items from UVACollab Lessons will have STUB placeholders:
- Links to External Tool content, such as Gradescope assignments
- Student Pages
- Lessons Comments
Any STUB links will need to be removed as described in How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
To send grades from an external tool like Gradescope to the Gradebook, create an External Tool assignment. Ungraded external tool content can be linked using the Apps button in the Rich Content Editor on a page.
Set up an external tool assignment.
Follow the steps in How do I add an external tool assignment in UVACanvas?
Add a link to an ungraded external tool item.
- Open the page where you want to add the link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- Follow the steps in How do I select content from an external app in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window).

An Assignment link, for example, Personal Goals Reflection in the screenshot above, is identified with a pencil and paper icon and links to an item in the Assignments tool.
We recommend removing this link from Modules and adding a link to the assignment on a page in the module. This will allow you to provide context for the assignment, such as instructions and an example submission with the link.
- Remove the link to the assignment from the module. For steps, see How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
- Open the page where you want to add a link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- In the Rich Content Editor, add a Course Link to the assignment. For steps, see How do I create hyperlinks to course or group content in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window)

A Quiz, for example, Week 1 Quiz in the screenshot above, is identified with a rocketship icon and links to an assessment in the Quizzes tool.
We recommend removing this link from Modules and adding a link to the test or quiz on a page in the module. This will allow you to provide context for the assessment, such as instructions and a link to the Essential Tips for Taking Online Tests in UVACanvas article.
- Remove the link to the assessment from the module. For steps, see How do I remove module items? (opens new window).
- Open the page where you want to add a link or add a new page as described in How do I add course content as module items? (opens new window).
- Select the Edit button.
- In the Rich Content Editor, add a Course Link to the assessment. For steps, see How do I create hyperlinks to course or group content in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (opens new window).
Return to the Checklist.
Go back to the Checklist for Reusing Content from UVACollab to continue evaluating your content.