How do I download a video or image from My Media?

If you edit a video or image file in My Media, you can access the option to download it.

Tip: You may give someone permission to edit a file you own by following the steps to add them as a Co-Editor (opens new window).

Go to My Media.

Screenshot of link in menu.

Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.

Tip: For details about global navigation, see How do I use the Global Navigation Menu? (opens new window).

Select the video to download.

Screenshot example of a video file in My Media.

In My Media, choose the video to download by selecting its thumbnail or name.

Select Actions, then Edit.

Screenshot of the Actions dropdown menu.
  1. Scroll down on the page under the media player.
  2. Select the Actions menu.
  3. Select Edit.

Select Play.

Screenshot example of a video with the Play button outlined.

Select the Play button in the center of the media player.

Select Download.

Screenshot example of a video with the download button outlined.

Select the Download button in the upper right corner of the player.

Select download preferences.

Screenshot example of the Downloads window with options as described below.
  1. Select the video file under Main stream to download it.
  2. You can view and choose to download a video of different quality using the Select quality button.
  3. Select the caption file under Captions to download it.