What is the Posted Feedback tool?
Posted Feedback allows instructors and teaching assistants to upload feedback comments and/or grades from spreadsheet (CSV) files. Each student can only view their own comments and/or grades.
Up-to-date information about the tool can be found in Posted Feedback: New Features & Updates.
Note: Instructors may find steps to add Posted Feedback and other tools to their course in How do I manage Course Navigation links? (opens new window).
Posted Feedback Features
Posted Feedback is commonly used by instructors who:
- Keep track of and calculate grades in a spreadsheet.
- Would like to provide students with feedback on specific test or quiz questions, without showing all the other questions and/or answers to students.
- Are using alternative forms of grading, such as specifications grading, where they prefer not to attach point values to graded items.
Instructors can:
- Download a template spreadsheet where the first column includes each student's Login ID (UVA computing ID) and the second and third columns, the student's Last Name and First Name.
- Add grades and/or comments to the spreadsheet, then upload it and release the feedback to students.
- Preview an individual student's view of the feedback file.
- Upload additional spreadsheets or new versions of previously-uploaded spreadsheets with different feedback as needed.
- See if and when a student last reviewed their feedback from a particular file.
- Unrelease a feedback file to hide its content from students.
For each spreadsheet an instructor has uploaded, a student can view their own feedback. They will not be able to access feedback released to other students.
Example feedback file (Instructor View)
Pictured above is an example instructor's view of a feedback file they have uploaded. It includes a table with the following columns and a row for each student:
- Login ID, the student's UVA computing ID,
- Last Name,
- First Name,
- The title for each feedback column added to the spreadsheet, First Draft Feedback and First Draft Grade (max B+),
- Last Checked, the date and time when a student last reviewed their feedback for that file.
Instructors can sort the students and feedback in the table by selecting the heading for any of the columns, e.g., Last Name.
Never will display in the Last Checked column for each student who has not yet reviewed their feedback.
Note: An instructor can customize the title for each column in the spreadsheet except for the required Login ID column.
Example feedback file (Student View)

Pictured above is an example student's view of their feedback. It includes a table with 5 columns of information:
- Login ID: tls6u-student-1
- Last Name: One
- First Name: Student
- First Draft Feedback: Very nice work. Please see detailed comments in the Word document I provided.
- First Draft Grade (max B+): B-