How do I export the roster?
Instructors and teaching assistants may export an Excel spreadsheet from Photo Roster that includes the names, pronouns, UVA computing IDs, email addresses, roles, and section and group membership of participants in their course. The spreadsheet can include all course participants, or participants from a specific section or group.
Note: The Photo Roster tool is not available to participants in the Student, Waitlisted Student, Designer or Observer roles.
Filter by section or group. (Optional)

By default, the Photo Roster displays all participants in the course.
To export a spreadsheet that only includes members of a particular section (e.g., a specific roster in a cross-listed course) or group, select the desired section or group from the Sections/Groups menu.
Filter by role. (Optional)

By default, the Photo Roster displays participants in all course roles.
To export a spreadsheet that only includes those who have a particular role, for example Student or Waitlisted Student, select the desired role from the Roles menu.
Tip: You can select a role from the Roles menu and a section or group from the Sections/Groups menu to export a spreadsheet with members of that section or group who have the specified role, e.g., Students in the section 22Su CIS 1031-2 (Lab).
Select Download Excel.

Near the upper-right corner of the page, select the Download Excel button.
View spreadsheet.
Open the downloaded spreadsheet in a program such as Microsoft Excel. In the spreadsheet, you can find two tabs, Roster and Sections & Groups, described below.
Roster Tab

For each participant included in the spreadsheet, the Roster tab displays their Last Name, First Name, Pronouns, Login ID (UVA computing ID), Email, and Role.
Note: A participant may have more than one role in the same course site. For example, in a lecture course with cross-listed sections, a student might be fully enrolled in one lab section and waitlisted in a different section because they want to switch labs. In the Roster tab, the roles will be displayed in a comma-separated list, e.g., Student, Waitlisted Student.
Sections & Groups Tab

In the Sections & Groups tab, you can find a list of the sections and groups for site participants who are included in the spreadsheet.
This feature allows instructors and TAs who are working with a large number of sections and/or groups to get a quick overview of their section and group membership.
If a participant has more than one role in the course site, the Sections & Groups tab will list each role under the appropriate section. In the example pictured above, the role of Waitlisted Student displays for Student Three under 22Su CIS 1031-2 (Lab), while Student displays under 22Su CIS 1031-3 (Lab) because this student is on the waitlist for section 2 and fully enrolled in section 3.
Under each group of which they are a member, the roles of a person who has more than one role will display in a comma-separated list, e.g., Student, Waitlisted Student.