How do I add and play a 360° video in My Media or Media Gallery?
360° videos, also called immersive, spherical, or virtual reality (VR) videos, are videos where views in multiple directions have been recorded at the same time. When you play a 360° video, you can use a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen to drag the video around and view it from different angles.
This article includes:
- Steps to upload and tag a 360° video so viewers can interact with it.
- Steps to play a 360° video and change the views with a mouse or keyboard.
Note: 360° videos must be played on their own. A 360° video will not work correctly in a playlist or video quiz.
Go to My Media or Media Gallery.

- To go to My Media: Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.
- To go to Media Gallery: Select Media Gallery from the Course Navigation Menu.
Note: To access the Media Gallery tool in a McIntire School of Commerce course site, select McIntire Kaltura from the Course Navigation Menu instead of Media Gallery.
In Media Gallery, access the Media tab.

If you are uploading to Media Gallery and any playlists have been created in the course, the Playlists tab will display as the first page. If this is the case, select the Media tab to go to it.
Note: The Media tab will display with the number of files currently included in it, e.g., 6 Media.
Select Add Media.

Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Add Media button displays as a plus (+) icon.
Tip: This step and the steps below are the same in both My Media and Media Gallery.
Select Add New, then Media Upload.

On the Add Media page:
- Select Add New.
- Select Media Upload.
Drag and drop the file to upload or select to choose a file.

- Drag and drop the file to upload into the Upload Media box,
- Or select the Choose a file to upload button. Then, select the file to upload from your computer.
Wait for the upload.

- Depending on the size of your file, the upload may take some time to complete. During this time, the upload progress will display on the screen.
- When the file is successfully uploaded, an Upload Completed! message will replace the progress bar.
Enter a name, optional description, and 360 tag.

- By default, the Name will be the video's original file name, e.g., 360-Orion_to_SLS.mp4. It is recommended that you edit the Name to make your file easy to find in My Media and/or Media Gallery.
- You can add an optional Description.
- In the Tags field, enter the following text: 360 and select it when it appears in the drop-down menu for tags. The 360 tag is required to make the video play correctly. You may optionally add other tags for searching.
Note: If you have never used the 360 tag on a video before, it will display as 360 (new tag).
Set a Publishing Schedule or Collaborator(s). (Optional)

- By default, the video will Always be available to viewers in a Media Gallery where it is published or on a page where it is embedded. To restrict when viewers can play the video to specific dates and times, change the Publishing Schedule to Specific Time Frame. For details, see How do I schedule a file's availability in Media Gallery?
- Select Add Collaborator to give someone else access to your file as a Co-Editor, Co-Publisher, or Co-Viewer. For details, see How do I allow someone to publish or edit one of my Media Gallery files?
Note: As the video owner, you will always be able to play your video in My Media even if its Publishing Schedule is restricted. Anyone you add on the video as a Collaborator (Co-Publisher, Co-Editor, or Co-Viewer) will also be able to play it at any time.
Save and access your media.

- Select Save.
- Select the Go To Media link to go directly to the video you just uploaded, or select Go To My Media or Go To Media Gallery to go back to the main page of My Media or Media Gallery.
Note: Your uploaded file may need to be approved.

By default, student uploads in a course's Media Gallery are Moderated. This means that an instructor must review and approve any uploaded files to publish them in the course. If you are uploading to Media Gallery and your file needs to be approved, you will get an Access Denied error when selecting Go To Media, and a message Your additional media will be presented once it is ready and approved when selecting Go To Media Gallery.
Publish a file uploaded to My Media. (Optional)
If you uploaded a file to My Media that you would like to use in a Canvas course, you will need to publish the file in the course site. For steps, see one of the following articles:
Play a 360° video.
Select the video.

Select the video in My Media or in the Media Gallery's Media tab, if you published it in a Media Gallery.
Select Play.

Change the view.
Above is an example of a 360° video from NASA VR 360 videos (opens new window). You can view the video from different angles while it is being played or paused. Either:
- Use your mouse to click and drag the video around,
- Or use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate to the video's Play or Pause button, then press the following letter keys: W (to drag the view up), A (to drag the view left), S (to drag the view down), and D (to drag the view right).