How do instructors view posted feedback?
Instructors and teaching assistants can view the data from a feedback file they uploaded to Posted Feedback, along with the date and time when each student reviewed their feedback from that file.
Tip: Instructors who use screen readers may find it easier to download a Posted Feedback file and read it in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. The downloaded file also includes the date and time when each student reviewed their feedback.
Select the Actions menu, then View.
In the row for the feedback file to view:
- Select the Actions menu.
- Select View.
View feedback.
The page for the feedback file displays the following:
- The Title of the feedback file and in parentheses, whether or not the feedback has been released to students, e.g., Paper Feedback & Grade (Released).
- A Show entries menu to change how many students' rows of data are displayed per page in the table. By default, 10 entries are shown. You can select to show up to 100 entries per page.
- A Search box you can use to filter the display of data on the page. For example, if Last Name was included in the feedback file you uploaded, you could search by a student's last name. To display only the students who have not yet reviewed their feedback from the file, you could enter Never as a search term.
- A table including the data from the spreadsheet (described under the feedback details below), with an additional column to indicate when a student reviewed their feedback.
- Information on how many entries are currently displayed in the table, e.g., Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries, and options to navigate to additional pages if there are multiple pages of entries.
View feedback details.
If you downloaded the course template file to create the feedback file, the feedback table includes the following columns and a row for each student:
- Login ID, the student's UVA computing ID,
- Last Name,
- First Name,
- The title for each feedback column that was added to the spreadsheet, e.g., First Draft Feedback and First Draft Grade (max B+),
- Last Checked, the date and time when a student last reviewed their feedback for that file.
You can sort the students and feedback in the table by selecting the heading for any of the columns, e.g., Last Name.
Never will display in the Last Checked column for each student who has not yet reviewed their feedback.
Select Back.
Select the Back button in the lower-left corner of the page to return to the main page of Posted Feedback.