How do I edit or delete posted feedback files?

Instructors and teaching assistants can make the following changes to files that have been uploaded to Posted Feedback:

Go to Posted Feedback.

Select Posted Feedback from the Course Navigation Menu.

Edit a file's Title.

Select the Actions menu, then Edit Title.

Screenshot of Posted Feedback Actions menu. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

In the row for the feedback file to edit:

  1. Select the Actions menu.
  2. Select Edit Title.

Enter the New Title and Update.

You will be taken to a page displaying the Current Title and a field for the New Title.

  1. Enter the desired title in the New Title field, e.g., Paper Feedback & Grade.
  2. Select Update.

View success message and updated title.

  1. A green message will appear under the instructions for using the Posted Feedback tool indicating that the file was successfully renamed.
  2. You can find the updated Title in the table where the feedback file is listed.

Upload a new version of a file.

Select the Actions menu, then Upload New Version.

Screenshot of Posted Feedback Actions menu. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

In the row for the feedback file to update:

  1. Select the Actions menu.
  2. Select Upload New Version.

Select the file to upload.

Under Feedback File (CSV), use the Choose File button to browse for and select the spreadsheet file to upload.

Release feedback (Optional) and Upload.

  1. If you are ready to release the feedback to students as soon as the file is uploaded, select the Release feedback to participants? checkbox. You can leave the checkbox unchecked to keep the feedback hidden from students and release it to them later.
  2. Select Upload.

Delete a feedback file.

Select the Actions menu, then Delete.

Screenshot of Posted Feedback Actions menu. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

In the row for the feedback file to delete:

  1. Select the Actions menu.
  2. Select Delete.

Confirm deletion.

A window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to delete the file. Select Yes to confirm.