Manage SIS Sections: New Features and Updates

This article documents new features, fixes for issues, and updates in the Manage SIS Sections tool.

March 4, 2024 - New Features

More Details about Waitlisted Students

Waitlisted Students Included Indicator

Screenshot showing some example sections that have waitlisted students included.

If you enabled the option to add waitlisted students to a section, a "(Waitlisted students will be included.)" indicator will now display with that section on the tool's main page. For example, "1238_PHYS_1429-001_CGAS - 15 students (Waitlisted students will be included.)"

Waitlisted Student Counts

Screenshot example of a Manage Waitlisted Students page with sections showing 2, 5, or 6 waitlisted students per section.

The Manage Waitlisted Students page now displays the number of waitlisted students who will be added to a section if a checkbox is selected, for example, "1242_PHYS_1429-001_CGAS - 2 waitlisted students."

Note: Instructors who use screen readers will hear the checkbox options read as sentences with the number of students first, for example, "Add 2 waitlisted students to 1242_PHYS_1429-001_CGAS."

Internationalization Support

Screenshot showing the tool's loading page in French.

Manage SIS Sections now supports internationalization to display text in languages other than English. Pictured above is an example of the tool's loading page in a course site where the language is set to French. The text, "Loading your sections..." has been translated as follows: "Chargement de vos sections..."

If instructors who set their course site to a language other than English would like to contribute translated text to display when their course is using that language, please contact the Learning Technology Services (LTS) Team and let us know.

For more information about Canvas course language settings, see How do I change the language preference for a course? (opens new window).

Note: If a course site's language setting is the default Not set (user-configurable, defaults to English (United States)), and an instructor sets their preferred Canvas account language to a language other than English, that language setting will also be reflected in Manage SIS Sections. For more information, see How do I change the language preference in my user account as an instructor? (opens new window).

March 4, 2024 - General Usability Improvements

Screenshot showing how the Continue button changes to a Loading button when selected.

The tool has improved usability in the following areas:

  • When an instructor with many sections uses the Continue or Back button to navigate from one page in the tool to another, it may take several seconds for the page to load. Now, to indicate if you need to wait when you select one of these buttons:
    • The Continue and/or Back buttons are disabled to prevent multiple clicks.
    • The selected button's text changes to "Loading," with a spinner icon displayed on the button. An instructor using a screen reader will hear, "Please wait, page is loading."
  • Sections are now sorted in alphanumeric order on all pages within the tool. Previously, on the Manage Waitlisted Students page and the Please confirm your changes page, some sections were displaying in random order.