How do I add posted feedback?

Instructors and teaching assistants can upload a (CSV) spreadsheet file to present individual feedback comments and/or grades to students. The Posted Feedback tool allows you to download a properly-formatted spreadsheet file to use as a template.

Go to Posted Feedback.

Select Posted Feedback from the Course Navigation Menu.

Download your course template.

Under Add/Update Feedback, select the Download your course template link and save the template.csv file to your computer.

Open the template.csv file.

Open the template.csv file in a spreadsheet editing program, such as Microsoft Excel. The template spreadsheet includes three columns of data:

  1. Login ID, each student's UVA computing ID,
  2. Last Name,
  3. First Name.

Of these columns, only the Login ID is required to associate each student with the appropriate feedback and upload the spreadsheet. However, it is recommended that instructors keep the Last Name and First Name columns in the spreadsheet because it will allow them to sort uploaded feedback files by student name.

Edit the spreadsheet to add feedback.

Screenshot example of a spreadsheet with feedback, described below.

Edit the spreadsheet as follows:

  1. In the first row, enter a title for each column where you will add feedback. Pictured above is an example where two columns have been added, First Draft Feedback and First Draft Grade (max B+).
  2. In each student's row, enter their feedback or grade in the corresponding column. For example, tls6u-student-2 in the example above has the following information added:
    • First Draft Feedback: This is a good start, but the thesis could be stronger. I would like to see more supporting evidence in the final draft. Please see detailed comments in the Word document I provided.
    • First Draft Grade (max B+): C-

Note: A title must be included in each column for the feedback to display correctly for students.

Save the spreadsheet.

You will need to save the edited spreadsheet in the CSV format. While saving the file:

  1. It is recommended to change the name of the file from template to something more meaningful, for example Paper Draft Feedback and Grade.
  2. Make sure the file format is CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).
  3. Select Save.

Note: The process for saving your file may differ slightly depending on your computer's operating system and the spreadsheet program you are using. The steps described above are for Microsoft Excel.

In Posted Feedback, select the file to upload.

Go back to the internet browser window where you had Posted Feedback open.

Under Feedback File (CSV), use the Choose File button to browse for and select the spreadsheet file to upload.

Edit the Title. (Optional)

By default, the Title of the feedback file that will be displayed to students is the name of the spreadsheet file, e.g., Paper Draft Feedback and Grade.csv. You can edit this title as desired. For example, you might remove the .csv on the end of the name.

Release feedback (Optional) and Upload.

Posted Feedback - Google Chrome
  1. If you are ready to release the feedback to students as soon as the file is uploaded, select the Release feedback to participants? checkbox. You can leave the checkbox unchecked to keep the feedback hidden from students and release it to them later.
  2. Select Upload.

View success message and listed file.

  1. A green message will appear under the instructions for using the Posted Feedback tool indicating that the file was successfully uploaded.
  2. The newly-added file will appear in a table near the bottom of the page, which includes the following:
    • Title,
    • Modified By, the instructor who uploaded the file,
    • Last Modified, the date and time when the file was uploaded,
    • Released, whether or not the feedback from the file is currently visible to students,
    • Actions, a menu with options to View the file, access a Student View of the file, Edit its Title, Upload a New Version, Download the file, Release or Unrelease the feedback to students, and Delete the file.

A Posted Feedback folder is created in Files.

Screenshot of Files tool showing the new folder.

After you upload a file to Posted Feedback, an Unpublished folder named Posted Feedback (Do NOT Publish) is automatically created in the Files tool of your Canvas course to store the CSV files.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT modify the Posted Feedback (Do NOT Publish) folder or any files within the folder!

Inadvertently publishing the folder will make it possible for students to access feedback information for everyone.