Learning Technology Services HelpUVACanvas DocumentationIntegrated ToolsManage SIS SectionsHow do I combine/cross-list multiple courses or sections into one course site?

How do I combine/cross-list multiple courses or sections into one course site?

In UVACanvas, a course site and section is automatically created for each class roster in the Student Information System (SIS). Instructors or TAs can combine multiple roster sections into the same course site through a process that Canvas refers to as cross-listing.

The Manage SIS Sections tool makes it easy for instructors and TAs to cross-list their roster sections into a single site. They can also use the tool to include waitlisted students in any or all sections in the site.

Go to Settings.

Select Settings from the Course Navigation Menu.

Go to Manage SIS Sections.

Select Manage SIS Sections.

Note: Depending on the width of your internet browser window, this button will appear on either the right side or near the bottom of the page.

Confirm the course information.

When using the Manage SIS Sections tool, sections you select to add will be cross-listed into the course site in which you are currently working.

Review the name and course code displayed in the Course Information section to ensure you are cross-listing sections into the appropriate site before proceeding.

Note: The process for combining/cross-listing sections with the Manage SIS Sections tool differs from the process for combining/cross-listing sections that is built into Canvas. You may also use this process to combine/cross-list sections in your course sites in UVACanvas, but you must repeat it for each section you would like to combine/cross-list, and you cannot use it to include waitlisted students.

Select the desired term.

Select the term containing the sections to be combined/cross-listed into the course site in the Select Term drop-down menu.

Select the desired sections.

Any sections in the selected term that list you as an instructor of record in the Student Information System (SIS) and are not currently included in the course site will be displayed. Select the checkboxes for the sections to be combined/cross-listed into the course site, then select the Continue button.

To combine/cross-list all available sections in the desired term, select the Add all sections checkbox that appears at the top of the list.

Include waitlisted students. (Optional)

Waitlisted students may be included for any of the sections present in the course site. Select the checkboxes for the sections for which you would like to include waitlisted students, then select the Continue button. Any waitlisted students in the selected sections will be added to the course site within two hours.

To include waitlisted students for all sections, select the Add waitlisted students for all sections checkbox that appears at the top of the list.

Confirm changes.

An overview of the selected changes will be displayed. Select the Save button to confirm them.