Learning Technology Services HelpUVACanvas DocumentationIntegrated ToolsCourse EmailHow do I create an email address for a course or section?

How do I create an email address for a course or section?

Instructors and TAs can create email lists for both the entire course roster and any specific section rosters to use in their preferred email program to message participants.

Go to Course Email.

Select Course Email from the Course Navigation Menu.

Select the course/section.

Select the course or a section from the Course/Section drop-down menu. Only one email address can be created at a time.

Create course/section email address.

  1. Review the email address that has been auto-generated based on the name of the course or section. The leading text of the email address can be edited if desired. The following are valid characters to include in an email address:
    • Letters A-Z
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Dashes -
    • Underscores _
    • Periods .

      A green checkmark will appear to the right of the address confirming availability.
  2. Select Create Email Address to generate the email list.
  3. A green box will be shown above Create Email Address that confirms successful email creation.

Note: Only one address can be created per course/section. Once a course/section email address has been created, the option will be removed from the Course/Section drop-down menu list.

Tip: If creating email addresses for both the entire course roster and individual sections, consider using a naming convention that allows you to easily identify the desired group. For example:

  • Entire course: 23F_Intro_to_Canvas_everyone
  • Section 1: 23F_Intro_to_Canvas_section_1

Review course/section email information.

Screenshot of the Email Address table. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

Once the email address has been created, the address details and options will be populated into a table at the bottom of the page. The table includes:

  1. The Email Address created for the course and/or section. Note: Each email address contains a unique numeric identifier that cannot be removed to ensure that if the address is changed after messages have been sent, the archive of previously-sent messages remains available.
  2. The Audience associated with the address including course and section identifiers.
  3. The number of Participants included in each email group. Note: Participant lists are updated once every 2 hours based on enrollments in the Canvas course or section.
  4. The Options for each address to access the Preferences and Archive.