How do I allow someone to view, publish, or edit a file in My Media?
By default, only the owner of a file in My Media/Media Gallery (Kaltura) may view the file in My Media, publish the file in their Canvas courses, edit and download the file, and access media analytics such as viewing statistics and submissions to video quizzes.
To give someone else permission to view, publish and/or edit your video, audio, or image file, and view media analytics, you may add them as a Collaborator on the file. If you give someone permission to edit a video, they can also download it.
Tip: Collaborators may also be added while uploading a new file. For details, see one of the following articles:
Go to My Media.

Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.
Tip: For details about global navigation, see How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as an instructor? (opens new window) or How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as a student? (opens new window).
Select the item to edit.

Select the title of the video, audio, or image file.
Select Actions, then Edit.

- Scroll down on the page under the media player.
- Select the Actions menu.
- Select Edit.
Select the Collaboration tab.

Under the media player, select the Collaboration tab.
Add a collaborator.

In the Media Collaborators section of the page, select + Add Collaborator.
Select the collaborator.

- In the Add a Collaborator window that pops up, type in the Name or User ID (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address) for the person to add as a collaborator.
- From the list of people whose names appear, select the desired collaborator.
Tip: You may add more than one collaborator at once with the same permissions. After selecting the first collaborator, start typing in the box to the right of their name to find and select another person.
Select permissions, then Add.

- Under Select permissions, choose the desired permission(s). Options include:
- Co-Editor: The collaborator(s) may edit the media file. For a video or audio file, co-editors may create copies of the file and view video analytics, including student submissions to a video quiz. Co-editors may also download video files.
- Co-Publisher: The collaborator(s) may publish the media file in Media Gallery in any of their Canvas courses and embed the file in the Rich Content Editor.
- Co-Viewer: If this is the only permission granted, the collaborator(s) may view the media file within My Media in their Home site, but may not edit or publish it elsewhere. They may also view the file at any time if it has a Publishing Schedule set to specific dates.
- Select Add.
Note: If you cannot find the Add button in the Add a Collaborator window, you may need to zoom out on text in your internet browser by typing Ctrl + - (in Windows) or Command + - (on a Mac).