How do I add a YouTube video to My Media or Media Gallery?
You can add a video from YouTube to My Media or Media Gallery to take advantage of the features available in the tool. For example, you can view user engagement with the video, create video quizzes, and add more accurate captions to the video.
Note: Review the following limitations of using YouTube videos in Media Gallery.
- Media Gallery only supports public YouTube videos.
- If the video is removed from YouTube, it will no longer play in Media Gallery.
- A viewer cannot change the playback speed of a YouTube video in Media Gallery.
- You cannot create clips or copies of YouTube videos, or copies of video quizzes created with YouTube videos.
- Some special features in YouTube videos, such as annotations, may not display in Media Gallery. Checking that your video plays as expected is recommended.
Go to My Media or Media Gallery.

- To go to My Media: Select My Media from your Global Navigation Menu.
- To go to Media Gallery: Select Media Gallery from the Course Navigation Menu.
Note: To access the Media Gallery tool in a McIntire School of Commerce course site, select McIntire Kaltura from the Course Navigation Menu instead of Media Gallery.
In Media Gallery, access the Media tab.

If you are uploading to Media Gallery and any playlists have been created in the course, the Playlists tab will display as the first page. If this is the case, select the Media tab to go to it.
Note: The Media tab will display with the number of files currently included in it, e.g., 6 Media.
Select Add Media.

Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Add Media button displays as a plus (+) icon.
Select Add New, then YouTube.

On the Add Media page:
- Select Add New.
- Select YouTube.
Enter a YouTube video page link.

Copy the web address of the YouTube video and paste it into the Video Page Link (or Content ID) field.
Note: Media Gallery only supports public YouTube videos. Private videos cannot be added.
Preview the video.

Select Preview to display a preview of the YouTube video.
Add details and Save.

- By default, the Name will be the video's original name from YouTube. It is recommended that you review and edit the Name, if needed, to make the video easy to find in My Media and/or Media Gallery.
- Add a Description or Tags for searching (Optional). If the video had a description on YouTube, that description will appear automatically. You may edit or delete it.
- By default, the video will Always be available to viewers in the Media Gallery where it is published. To restrict when the video appears in Media Gallery to specific dates and times, change the Publishing Schedule to Specific Time Frame. For details, see How do I schedule a file's availability in Media Gallery? (opens new window).
- Select Save.
Note: As the media owner, you will always be able to play the video in My Media even if its Publishing Schedule is restricted. Anyone you add on the video as a Collaborator (Co-Publisher, Co-Editor, or Co-Viewer) will also be able to play it at any time.
Access media.

- After you save the video, two messages should appear stating your media is successfully published and your changes have been saved.
- Above the success messages, an Add Collaborator button will become available. You may select this button to give someone else access to the video as a Co-Editor, Co-Publisher, or Co-Viewer (Optional). For details, see How do I allow someone to view, publish, or edit a file in My Media? (opens new window).
- Select the Go To Media link to go directly to the video you just added from YouTube.
- Select Go To Media Gallery to go back to the main page of Media Gallery.
View the video.

Once your video has been published, it will be available in the Media Gallery's Media tab, and you can select it to view it.
Note: If you set the Publishing Schedule to Specific Time Frame and the Start Time is set in the future, the video will become available in the Media Gallery at the specified time.
- To add captions to the video, see How do I request to add captions to a file in My Media? (opens new window).
- To create a video quiz, see How do I create a video quiz? (opens new window).
- To view user engagement, see How do I access media analytics in Media Gallery? (opens new window).
Publish a video added to My Media. (Optional)
If you added a video to My Media that you would like to use in a Canvas course, you will need to publish the file in the course site. For steps, see one of the following articles: