Learning Technology Services Help
Course Email 6
- How do I create an email address for a course or section?
- How do I send messages to a Course Email address?
- How do I set the Preferences for a Course Email list?
- How do I view and manage the Archive (sent messages) for a Course Email list?
- How do I use my preferred email address to send and receive Course Emails?
- Course Email: New Features & Updates
My Media & Media Gallery (Kaltura) 32
- What are the My Media and Media Gallery tools?
- How do I change the display and playback speed of media?
- How do I customize captions in My Media or Media Gallery?
- How can I use a transcript in the legacy My Media or Media Gallery player?
- How can I use a transcript in the My Media or Media Gallery video player?
- How can I use a transcript in the My Media or Media Gallery audio player?
- How do I upload a video, audio file, or image to My Media or Media Gallery?
- How do I record a PowerPoint presentation with Kaltura Capture?
- How do I upload a video or image to My Media from a phone or tablet?
- How do I add a YouTube video to My Media or Media Gallery?
- How do I add and play a 360° video in My Media or Media Gallery?
- How do I copy a video or audio file in My Media?
- How do I request to add captions to a file in My Media?
- How do I enable captions requests for all files in Media Gallery?
- How do I edit captions in My Media?
- How do I schedule a file's availability in Media Gallery?
- How do I publish videos, audio files, or images in Media Gallery?
- How do I embed a file from My Media in the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I record a video in my browser to embed in the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I upload a video or audio file to embed in the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I set up a video or audio assignment using Media Gallery?
- How do I copy an embed code for public display on the web?
- What is a video quiz, and how can I use it?
- How do I create a video quiz?
- How do I add a video quiz as an automatically-graded assignment?
- How do I download a video from My Media?
- How do I allow others to download my Media Gallery files?
- How do I allow someone to view, publish, or edit a file in My Media?
- How do I access media analytics in My Media or Media Gallery?
- How do I import Media Gallery files and playlists from one Canvas course to another?
- How do I hide Media Gallery from students?
- How do I embed a file from My Media in WordPress?
Online Meetings (Zoom) 11
- What is the Online Meetings tool?
- Tips for Attending Class in Zoom
- How do I schedule online meetings?
- How do I set up online office hours in Zoom?
- How do I book a meeting for Zoom office hours?
- How do I join Zoom office hours?
- How do I import a Zoom meeting into Online Meetings?
- How do I join a scheduled online meeting?
- How do I access a recording of an online meeting?
- How can I add an audio transcript to my Zoom recording?
- How do I turn off Zoom cloud recording sharing?
Posted Feedback 9
- What is the Posted Feedback tool?
- How do I add posted feedback?
- How do instructors view posted feedback?
- How do instructors preview a student's view of posted feedback?
- How do instructors download a Posted Feedback file?
- How do I release or unrelease posted feedback?
- How do I edit or delete posted feedback files?
- How do I view my posted feedback?
- Posted Feedback: New Features & Updates
Rich Content Editor Plugins 1
UVA Library Portal (formerly UVA Library Resources) 1
Recent Updates
- How can I use a transcript in the My Media or Media Gallery audio player?
- How can I use a transcript in the My Media or Media Gallery video player?
- How can I use a transcript in the legacy My Media or Media Gallery player?
- How do I change the display and playback speed of media?
- How do I customize captions in My Media or Media Gallery?