How do I use my preferred email address to send and receive Course Emails?
Participants on course email lists can use any email address they add to their Canvas account for sending and receiving messages to and from the lists. For example, an instructor can add a UVA email alias or non-UVA email address, such as a Gmail address, to their Canvas account to send all course emails from that address.
Note: Following the steps in this article will add all addresses included in your Canvas account to course email lists of which you are a member. However, it may take up to three hours for an address recently added in your account to be added to the email lists. If you are an instructor or TA and would like to add an address to a specific email list only, or you need to send a message from that email address immediately, you can follow the steps in Add Additional Subscribers (opens new window) to add it directly to the list.
Open the UVACanvas Account Settings.

To access your UVACanvas account settings:
- Select Account from the global navigation menu in the far-left column.
- Select Settings from the list of options.
Add Email Address.

Select + Email Address in the right-hand menu.
Enter the alternative email address.

A "Register Communication" dialogue box will appear.
- Enter the desired alternative email address in the text box.
- Select "Register Email."
Acknowledge confirmation email.

Confirm the registration within the alternative email inbox.

Within the inbox for the alternative email address you are attempting to add, open the email from Canvas regarding registration.
Select "Click here to confirm this registration" to initiate the confirmation process. You will then be prompted to log into UVACanvas via NetBadge authentication.
Confirm alternative email within your UVACanvas Account.

Return to the Account Settings to confirm the addition of the alternative email address.
Note: Alternative email addresses that are awaiting confirmation will be in blue text and be selectable as highlighted above. Select this text to resend the confirmation email.
Alternative email address that have been confirmed will be in black text and will not be selectable. For example, the [email protected] address shown above has been confirmed.
Confirm alternative email address in Course Email participants list.

Note: The alternative email address that has been added to the UVACanvas account must appear in the participants list in Course Email prior to sending a message from the alternative address. This process can take up to 3 hours to complete. Details for reviewing the participants list can be found in the article How do I create an email address for a course or section? (opens new window).If you need to send a message from that email address immediately, you can follow the steps in Add Additional Subscribers (opens new window) to add it directly to the list.
Compose and send the message.

Once a new message in the desired email application has been opened, enter and confirm the following:
- Confirm or paste the desired course/section email address in the "To:" field.
- Optional: Add your email address to the "Cc:" field to receive a copy of the message in your Inbox. Senders do not receive their own messages automatically.
- Enter the subject of the message.
- Compose the body and signature of the message.
Tip: To verify messages have been successfully delivered, please check the Archive associated with the course/section email address. For steps, see How do I view and manage the Archive (sent messages) for a Course Email list? (opens new window).